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TUTORIAL Your FIRST car in Assetto Corsa - Basic Guide


New Member
C'è una gerarchia di vuoti con nomi da rispettare, altrimenti il motore assettocorsa non caricherà l'auto in gioco, i vuoti devono avere scala 0.010, che è la grandezza usata da AC, e soprattutto le ruote devono essere con scale corrette per non avere ruote giganti o invisibili nel gioco. L'intero progetto non dovrebbe superare i 250.000 vertici altrimenti avrai lunghi caricamenti nel kseditor, e ogni singola mesh non dovrebbe superare i 45.000 vertici. Ad ogni mesh devi assegnare un materiale in blender, che chiamerai come vuoi. Fatto ciò puoi estrarre il tuo fbx e caricarlo in kseditor dove dovrai collegare una texture e uno shader ad ogni materiale. Quando ogni materiale ha la sua texture, gli shader e i giusti valori degli shader, puoi crearlo in kn5 e metterlo nella tua cartella mod
How can I extract the material currently in use in the blender as dds or png..?

Can I effectively reduce the number of Vertices?
No matter how many times I try to Decimate, the total vertices of models doesn't go down below 250000


Active Member
How can I extract the material currently in use in the blender as dds or png..?

Can I effectively reduce the number of Vertices?
No matter how many times I try to Decimate, the total vertices of models doesn't go down below 250000
you have to create the textures with an editor like photoshop, and then save them in png or dds.
for your problem of the vertices if you want try to share the fbx of your project


New Member
you have to create the textures with an editor like photoshop, and then save them in png or dds.
for your problem of the vertices if you want try to share the fbx of your project

One more then
How can i active headlight’s texture only with png or dds file?
Just single texture image does not containing emissive materials


Active Member
One more then
How can i active headlight’s texture only with png or dds file?
Just single texture image does not containing emissive materials
inside the "data" folder open the "lights.ini" file and add a script with the name of the mesh. example :


New Member
you have to create the textures with an editor like photoshop, and then save them in png or dds.
for your problem of the vertices if you want try to share the fbx of your project
Thank you so much
And if u know how to get actual diffuse map (including livery etc) from blender that im using on
Can ya let me know how i can bake em
Cuz only thing i can see is white gradient on uv even if i diffuse bake on my blender file


Active Member
Thank you so much
And if u know how to get actual diffuse map (including livery etc) from blender that im using on
Can ya let me know how i can bake em
Cuz only thing i can see is white gradient on uv even if i diffuse bake on my blender file
I can't understand why the translator changes the meaning of your question a lot so I'm struggling to help you


New Member
I can't understand why the translator changes the meaning of your question a lot so I'm struggling to help you
Actually im using addon for easy vehicle livery on blender

this makes able to make livery without uv unwrapping and i did with this
And to load texture in the ks editor
I must export that whole livery material with bake or sth to make it dds or png
So im tryin to export that but dont know how
Diffuse baking’s result with this material was just white piece


Actually im using addon for easy vehicle livery on blender

this makes able to make livery without uv unwrapping and i did with this
And to load texture in the ks editor
I must export that whole livery material with bake or sth to make it dds or png
So im tryin to export that but dont know how
Diffuse baking’s result with this material was just white piece
If you want a livery on the car you must UV map the body. There is no way around that. AC doesn't use Blender's materials or addons, it uses its own shaders. The only material information the AC editor gets from Blender is the material name itself, nothing else carries over. All other shader settings are set in the AC editor using the shaders AC uses. They have nothing at all to do with Blender's materials.

AC is not a rendering engine, it is a game engine and so is designed for optimizing real time rendering. You can't expect 3d-modeler specific features to work in something outside of the 3d modeling app. How would AC know what the LiveryHelper app is doing?


Active Member
In realtà sto usando l'addon per una facile livrea del veicolo su Blender

questo rende in grado di creare una livrea senza scartare i raggi UV e l'ho fatto con questo
E per caricare la trama nell'editor ks
Devo esportare l'intero materiale della livrea con bake o sth per renderlo dds o png
Quindi sto cercando di esportarlo ma non so come
Il risultato della cottura diffusa con questo materiale era solo un pezzo bianco
puoi eseguire tutte le esportazioni di Ambient Occlusion (mappa AO) o mappa WIRE della tua mod direttamente con il gestore dei contenuti.
una volta creata la mappatura UV del tuo progetto in Blender, crei il kn5 con kseditor, carichi la tua mod con ContentManager e selezioni il menu "CMshowroom".
clicca sulla parte della mod che vuoi ottenere la mappa AO e nel menù seleziona i tre puntini a destra di "txDiffuse" nel menù che si apre seleziona "calcola AO" e la dimensione che vuoi cliccando sulla freccia, per ottenere la mappa AO, oppure seleziona "show mapping" per il WIRE della tua proiezione UV.
quando la mappa UV o AO ti avrà caricato, in basso a destra troverai il pulsante per salvare.
il file verrà salvato nella cartella auto.
ora prendi la mappa WIRE e la mappa AO (devono avere le stesse dimensioni, esempio: 1024x1024) le carichi in photoshop, sovrapponi la mappa WIRE a quella AO e ottieni il tuo foglio carpaint con la mappa AO.
dovrai impostare lo stile del livello della mappa AO con la moltiplicazione del colore e altri effetti per un buon risultato.
ora non ti resta che dipingere utilizzando i bordi della griglia del layer WIRE, una volta terminato, nascondi il layer WIRE e salva in formato DDS, inserisci il file dds ottenuto nella cartella della tua skin e hai ottenuto la livrea.


New Member
inside this LUT you will have to write the names and the order of the maps that you will select with the keys that you will assign to them in the patch controls menu.
example of the 4 maps plus a standard screen:
STD | 0
PowerUP | 1
Smooth | 2
Middle | 3
PowerDWN | 4

the names are free as you want them, the numbers in relation to the maps you have, in this case 4 modified maps plus a standard
i can choose fuel mix in generic but cant change them using buttons. Any fixes?


Hi guys, i knownits not for this topic but maybe i can get faszer answers, so: is there a way to make a skin’s shader transparent? I mean there is a car skin wichs front grill is chrome, the oroginal object is black and its good and i made a seperated object for it to overlay which is chrome, and i want in other skins the chrome part to be transparent, how can i make it?


Active Member
Hi guys, i knownits not for this topic but maybe i can get faszer answers, so: is there a way to make a skin’s shader transparent? I mean there is a car skin wichs front grill is chrome, the oroginal object is black and its good and i made a seperated object for it to overlay which is chrome, and i want in other skins the chrome part to be transparent, how can i make it?

you have several ways to do it..
you can create 3 grills, one transparent, one chrome and one black, then you create an animation that replaces the chrome grill with the transparent one so you can select the grill you want.
you can control the animation with a script in "ext_config.ini", or from the car settings menu using a script for the wings.
Differently with the CSP options and therefore with a script in "ext_config.ini", you can make a replacement of the materials on the skins where you want the transparent grid, to do this you have to look at the csp documents where there is the appropriate section.
to replace the shader: https://github.com/ac-custom-shaders-patch/acc-extension-config/wiki/General-–-Shader-replacements

to replace the model: https://github.com/ac-custom-shaders-patch/acc-extension-config/wiki/General-–-Model-replacements


New Member
inside this LUT you will have to write the names and the order of the maps that you will select with the keys that you will assign to them in the patch controls menu.
example of the 4 maps plus a standard screen:
STD | 0
PowerUP | 1
Smooth | 2
Middle | 3
PowerDWN | 4

the names are free as you want them, the numbers in relation to the maps you have, in this case 4 modified maps plus a standard
How could you set this up where 3 maps ulter the Turbo Pressure, While another engine map uses another 3 maps via setup like this?


New Member
I believe that this parameter you set for the turbo is not possible with the script for the petrol maps
It does, I have edited them to multiply the pressure by 1 (stock pressure), 1.5 (tuned pressure), and 2.1 (double and a lil pressure)
It just seems the AFR map clash together with the Boost Maps :(
Would there be an example of changing Turbo boost, and the power_curve that you may know of? :)