Ciao! Spero di non essere arrivato troppo tardi sull'argomento, di recente ho iniziato a modellare le auto di Blender e mi chiedevo se esportarle in AC. Leggere questo argomento mi ha aiutato molto, ma onestamente sono un po' perso con il processo di ombreggiatura, quindi ecco l'affare:
-Quali sono i materiali che devo considerare per identificarli dopo l'esportazione dal frullatore?
-Ho più di 20 shader in ogni modello, è così tanto??
-E le trame PBR? KSEditor legge la mappatura UV da Blender?
-E sulla scala: Blender funziona in metri, i miei modelli sono in scala 1:1 in Blender. È accurato in KSEditor?
Spero di non sembrare quel niubbo, ma in realtà lo sono

Tutti i feedback sono i benvenuti!!
Grazie a tutti.
hello.. if you don't have any experience with kseditor and blender, it's difficult to be able to explain everything to you..
blender, if it's not already, you should set it to meters, but cars and everything loaded into AC is 0.01 scale
In case you have loaded an auto kunos or other mod in blender, most likely you will have scales 1.0 in blender, you will have a huge 3D and it will not be loaded in AC or kseditor, or if it is loaded you will not be able to see it probably because it is huge..
To restore the right scale you must select everything with the A key, export the fbx by setting the export scale to 0.01 (by default it is 1.0 in export).
now close the project and in a new blender window load the new fbx which will now have the right dimensions.
In your case you have a scale of 1.1, you should select everything with the A key, apply a scale by pressing (ctrl->A->scale), now you should have everything at a 1.0 scale, now export the fbx setting an export scale to 0.01
Now loading the new fbx you should have the correct scales at 0.01 with the correct dimensions.
Modifying scales, applying scales to emptys such as wheels, in AC can cause problems in loading or wheel proportions\positions, so it is always better to have the correct hierarchies and scales of an empty before parenting it with another empty.
To understand if your dimensions are correct you can upload an example fbx file that you find inside your folder "assettocorsa\sdk\dev\car_pipeline_2.0rev\car-pipeline-1.03\EXAMPLE FBX" and upload the file "TEMPLATE_CAR_demo_V1.fbx" .
This file contains a simplified 3D of an example car, you will also find the correct hierarchy of all empty and orientations and scales.
Each mesh, before importing the project into kseditor, must have a UV projection that you will have to do in blender, to give a correct position to the textures that you will later apply in kseditor, and each mesh must have a material assigned in blender, the Material name has no importance for AC operation.
when you have assigned a material to each mesh and made the right UV projections you can import the project into kseditor.
In kseditor you will have to assign each material a shaders, and to each shaders you will have to give the right values and depending on the assigned shaders and the mesh, you will have to assign the right textures, and give transparencies in the case of glasses and lights.
in the pipeline document that you always find in "assettocorsa\sdk\dev\car_pipeline_2.0rev\AC_Pipeline_PUB_Rev2.0.pdf" you can still find some guides, rules and examples.