Featured TUTORIAL Build your FIRST track - BASIC GUIDE

Discussion in 'Tracks' started by luchian, Jun 14, 2014.

  1. quetillo

    quetillo Member

    Mar 20, 2020
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    What do I have to do so that when the car enters the pits, the mechanics come out?
  2. Bouzinc

    Bouzinc New Member

    May 8, 2024
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    Hi guys ! I managed to get my first track drivable and I'm pretty pleased with how it looks and feels so far. However I already had complaints about performances issues. As it's my first time it may comes from different optimization aspects such as LODs, texture size and / or number, polycount (quite unlikely though since I keep the meshes as simple as possible), etc... Would you guys mind give it a try and provide me some feedback please ?

    It is available for download here : https://www.overtake.gg/downloads/fir-sports-track-wip.69225/

    You can also find here a short demo clip of the track :

    As you can see on that clip it runs quite smoothly on my system even with OBS recording in the background...

    Thanks per advance !
  3. luchian

    luchian Administrator Staff Member

    Jun 3, 2014
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    Due to some personal circumstances, I can't try it for some time. However, this looks like a great work for a "beginner", kudos to you. Furthermore, I love the video edit. When you see good choice in music & sync'd to the video edit, you know there is passion and enjoyment behind. Keep it up, good work.

    PS: probably your own thread would have been better not to have it lost into this one, but it's up to you (let us know if you would like to see it separated into a thread).
    Bouzinc and Rob Pawn like this.
  4. Bouzinc

    Bouzinc New Member

    May 8, 2024
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    Thank yo for your kind words ! It feels good after all that work and documentation to make it happen. Although it wouldn't have been possible without the good souls like you here sharing their knowledge. So kudos to you !

    In regard to the nature of my post, even though it can look like self promotion, I'm really looking for technical feedback, especially on the performance side. If it's out of place sorry about that and feel free to move it where it belongs :whistle::D

    Cheers !
    luchian likes this.
  5. luchian

    luchian Administrator Staff Member

    Jun 3, 2014
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    No worries, it can stay as it is.
    Bouzinc likes this.
  6. Raoulemilian

    Raoulemilian New Member

    Nov 29, 2020
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    Hello,i would like to put parked cars on streets into my map and i would like that the cars to spawn randomly in parking spaces.Is this possible ?
  7. Rob Pawn

    Rob Pawn Member

    Sep 24, 2022
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    one way could be to define [DYNAMIC_OBJECTS_...]
    Bouzinc likes this.
  8. onearmedkiwi

    onearmedkiwi New Member

    Apr 14, 2020
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    Hey all, I've struck an issue with a track I built in blender for GP Bikes a year or so back. I've converted it to AC already and played it, but I noticed a lot of my trees were way off. I managed to fix a few broken objects (the tree name was there but when I focused on it there was no tree and I was at world center) so I could get kseditor to load up properly with the kstree_group naming convention for trees, and everything looked great. Except my performance tanked.

    I realised my naming convention, for example; 'KSTREE_GROUP_treemedium' was receiving a .xxx suffix by blender, meaning that in BlockTransform it was showing thousands of entries for any particular tree. I converted all the suffixes to _xxx and kseditor now saw them as one object.

    However, with this done the trees started bugging out. I was losing trees and trees were being stretched across the map. There appears to be only one material present, the affected trees look fine when individuals, but grouped together by kseditor some, not all are affected. In the pics you'll see a collection of oaktrees loaded in (white line underneath), then when I add another collection that also has oaktrees the ones underlined disappear (along with others) and the glitching occurs.

    If anyone has any suggestions I'm all ears. This is a local road of ours, it is huge fun but I just want it to look right. Thanks in advance.

    coop.jpg coop_missing.jpg stretched.jpg
  9. Ryno917

    Ryno917 Member

    Dec 31, 2017
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    Which version of Blender are you using, and are you exporting to FBX to load into the editor? Are your various tree objects "multi user objects" in Blender?

    When the UI was updated (version 2.93+ IIRC), they removed the binary FBX version from the FBX exporter. As a result, the AC Editor does *not* like 'multi-user objects' in Blender's FBX exports anymore, so if your trees are all linked duplicates (Alt+D to duplicate instead of Shift+D) there's all kinds of havoc. Anything from missing and improperly scaled objects, to busted materials, to incorrect material assignments and more. A workaround is to Append all of your tree objects into a new file in an older Blender version (2.92 or older) and export to their own FBX (I also save the trees in their own KN5 for ease, as well, so foliage updates are much easier since you don't need to export the whole scene for minor tree updates), OR you can temporarily make your multi-user objects unique objects before exporting to FBX. Or permanently unlink them if you know you don't need to modify all of them the same anymore, but as a 20+ year parametric CAD vet, destructive editing gives me cold sweats :whistle:

    If that's not the root of your problem, I'm not sure what's going on, but it's the first place I always look.
    onearmedkiwi likes this.
  10. onearmedkiwi

    onearmedkiwi New Member

    Apr 14, 2020
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    Hi, thanks for your response!

    I'm using blender 2.83 and yes exporting in fbx (2012). All objects are single user objects and everything works fine when either not using kstree_group naming convention (except for the quality of the trees) and also works when using kstree_group but all as single objects in blocktransform (done by mistake when using a '.xxx' suffix instead of a '_xxx) suffix (x=version number, ie kstree_group_treemedium.125 when it should be kstree_group_treemedium_125). When using '_xxx' I only get one entry per tree group in blocktransform as it should be but certain trees under certain conditions exhibit the glitching shown in the pics above.

    Long story short, everything works except when I have everything correctly working with blocktransform. Hope that makes sense.
  11. onearmedkiwi

    onearmedkiwi New Member

    Apr 14, 2020
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    Further to this -

    I've identified collection 'Turn 6' as the issue. There are oaktree_004 through to oaktree_2598 in this group.

    004 - 1200 exported equals no problem
    1001 - 2000 no problem
    2001 - 2598 no problem
    500 - 1500 no problem
    1500 - 2598 no problem

    004 - 1200 plus 1500 - 2598 = problem
    1200 - 1500 = no problem
    004 -2598 = problem

    Now if I could separate these groups then that would solve the issue (I think) but simply renaming groups that work won't fix it. Is there a way I can separate these groups? I could use the same texture but with a different file name but I'm not sure how to that as when I have tried (for example renaming group 004 - 1200 kstree_group_2oaktree) when I strip the texture file from this group it removes it from the other trees with the std name kstree_group_oaktree too.

    I am not an expert in blender ha, I've only done enough to create a couple working tracks for GP Bikes and have converted one to AC which works except for this tree issue.
  12. fughettaboutit

    fughettaboutit aka leBluem

    Jul 21, 2014
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    not sure what you mean with "from 4-1200..."
    treegroup naming is meant like this...

    KSTREE_GROUP_oaktree_002 -> oaktree

    KSTREE_GROUP_oaktree1_002 -> oaktree1

    KSTREE_GROUP_oaktreeb_002 -> oaktreeb

    and i think there also the max 65k vert rule applies?
    if you have more verts in a group it might not work?
    also all the trees in one group should have the same material
    onearmedkiwi likes this.
  13. onearmedkiwi

    onearmedkiwi New Member

    Apr 14, 2020
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    4-1200 just meant oaktree_004 to oaktree_1200 in that group. I have one type of oaktree but I had too many in individual collections. Thankfully the issue is resolved now by 'ohyeah2389' in the AC Custom Shaders discord by pointing large groups caused this issue, then 'The_IC' mentioned the 65k limit. Thanks to the community including all here the trees are now working as they should.
    fughettaboutit likes this.
  14. a1adin

    a1adin New Member

    Jul 16, 2024
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    help please! upload_2024-7-16_15-58-34.png upload_2024-7-16_15-59-16.png
    i have problem! upload_2024-7-16_15-59-26.png
  15. fughettaboutit

    fughettaboutit aka leBluem

    Jul 21, 2014
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    put the all your source files in a folder with only latin characters!
    ksEditor cannot handle kyrillic/chinese/..... non-latin characters
    a1adin likes this.
  16. a1adin

    a1adin New Member

    Jul 16, 2024
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    thx!! upload_2024-7-16_16-16-59.png
    fughettaboutit likes this.
  17. Racer63

    Racer63 New Member

    Apr 27, 2022
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    Hi: I´m trying to do some corrections to Rafaela track by RobertFlagg. I made more pit and start boxes and everything was ok, but now I noted that there´s no speed limit in pits and AI crash each other inside pitlane, AI are no "transparent". Is there any way I could fix it?
  18. fughettaboutit

    fughettaboutit aka leBluem

    Jul 21, 2014
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    physical part of the pits must have a distinct name, ie "1pits"
    in "data\surfaces.ini" that part with KEY=PITS must be set
  19. Racer63

    Racer63 New Member

    Apr 27, 2022
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    Thank you. It´s already marked as 1.

    I have 2 lines in the surfaces.ini: one is PIT, the other is PITLANE. I think one is for the pitboxes zone and the other for the external pitlane. Or am I wrong?
  20. Alex23Rally

    Alex23Rally New Member

    Apr 13, 2023
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    Hello everyone, i have 2-3 issue while trying to create my map, hopefuly someone can help me.

    1. The first time the map loads, the car doesn't spawn where the PIT or START points i've made, it just seems to fall from the sky, from 5-10m height, and it doesn't even fall above the spawn points, it just falls outside, somewhere on the Terrain (which i named it 1GRASS_0) as i want collision for the car and not fall through.
    But if i hit ESC and select "Back to pits" still falls from the sky a little but at least it falls above the AC_PIT spawn point. The orientation is correct though, is facing wheels down is not up-side-down, so that bit is good.

    2. I am trying to create a touge map in the mountain. Uphill.
    I am using the Path/Curve method of making the road, so it's quick and easier than having to build the MESH myself from 0.

    3. Problem with that, is that, because is Uphill, at one point, the road starts to tilt on left if is a left turn and tilt right if is right turn. It doesn't remain horizontaly.

    It could be that i am doing something wrong when i'm making the path location,orientation,scale
    and the road piece, location, orientation,scale.

    I am setting the path scale to 1 and orientation to 0 after i have rotated the path to face the direction i will follow the road. So now with the path facing the right way, the scale is 1 and rotation is 0.

    When i'm making the road piece, i'm making the scale 1 but i don't apply the rotation, if i apply rotation as well, when i use "Array" and "Curve" moddifier to follow the path, it doesn't look right. I've found out that i have to leave the rotation alone and just apply the scale for the road piece.

    The road is a bit small after doing the "Array" and "Curve" moddifier so i increase the scale a bit to match the road image from the satelite.

    I'm not sure if because i'm increasing the scale or not, causes the road to tilt while following the path.

    I have attached images so you can see.

    Appreciate any advices.
    Thank you.

    Attached Files:

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