ONLY spawn points ! The rest, leave the pivots as they are. The Yup will only be selected in FBX export settings. .
I take that back.... still no clue about anything. I notice this though difference between what I see in your track Luchian. my ac spawns are different.
I'll need to have a look at that track of yours I believe. But not tonight though (this way you'll be able to work some more ) 'causw crazy day tomorrow at work.. Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk
got it working again, but only when I align every single pivot for every single object and Y-up, does it work. after this I simply changed the spawns pivot Z| to 45 degrees offset to the others, and my wheels are broken, pointing left. very strange, can only spawn facing south. nothing I do to the object either rotating pivots=broken, rotate object = no rotational spawn. even if I rotate them all at same time it breaks it, but when all facing south on blue Z pivot it works.
ok folks, ive sorted my issue so ive been changing all the pivots even for the mesh. for the mesh changes I have reverted back to default Z up in max. just as normal. nothing changed. ive removed all my spawn objects. ive remade them using "dummy", and it all works now (big thanks to Luchian there) once dummies are made, affect pivot only and tune Y to UP by selecting 90 degrees on X on affect pivot and rotate. then rotate the dummy and pivot. and it rotates spawn point. HURRAH ! brb to clarify this. ok now rotating pivot for the spawns works. I had thought I merely rotated the dummy and not the pivots. but it was the pivots. so using dummy and not box worked. ill happily save anyone the 6 hours ive wasted of my life on this showing it through a stream if necessary.
question though, for timming gates should I use dummy too. do I understand correct, that the L & R connotations within the object name title are placed to left and right of the imaginary line one crosses or do I have to use box or plane for that ? edit. I think these dummies are ok.
Dummy works. Edit: and yes, you are correct. Place the L on the left side, and the R on the right side (looking in racing direction). Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk
Hi, new question: I feel like I've done everything right but the car still falls through my road. It is named 1ROAD. My 1PIT, 1GRASS, and 2ROAD (a parking lot adjacent) let me drive on them. The only difference I can see is that when I made the track the first time to follow the bezier curve, it was a cube that I then deleted the other 5 faces on, leaving the top face. My pit and parking lot are both planes. Would this change anything? How can I get it to work then? (I tried to re-do my bezier curve with a plane but it produced an odd result where the track was essentially a jumble and didn't follow the curve at all, which is a separate problem.) I appreciate it. Edit: anyone reading this with the same problem I absolutely think it was the cube causing the problems. I redid the track for the array & curve with a plane and it drove fine.
pit needs to be AC_PIT_0 posted this a while back, it tells what they are to be named as objects in 3d max/blender. no deveating from this naming rule for the spawn objects.
Also, check the normals on your road mesh. They have to point up of course. Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk
I have advanced in the track, but now I have a problem when loading track, the car falls into the hole and is sinking under the earth, and returns to pit and underground. that could be happening.
each object has an axis . select all spawn object. . change axis pivots on all spawn object . rotate "X" axis 90 degree. this makes "Y" axis as up ! = car working. read this thread ! I have exact same problem further back. fixed by using dummy and not actual object. then change axis = simple.
track surface name ? enter this into surfaces.ini (edit in notepad.exe) 1surface_01 = my road, adding 1 before name says to game, drive on surface. but if you name it 1road_01, game automatically knows its driveable = no droping through. so name it 1road_xx or use custom name and add that to surfaces.ini or do both ways like me. repeat with different name for every driveable road surface. [1SURFACE_01] KEY=ROAD FRICTION=0.96 DAMPING=0 WAV= WAV_PITCH=0 FF_EFFECT=NULL DIRT_ADDITIVE=0 BLACK_FLAG_TIME=0 IS_VALID_TRACK=1 SIN_HEIGHT=0 SIN_LENGTH=0 IS_PITLANE=0 VIBRATION_GAIN=0 VIBRATION_LENGTH=0