As a general rule, the first thing to do when something is not working => read the guide AGAIN. More often than not, you skipped/forgot one step or one setting

#1: my car has broken wheels when I load my track ingame
=> make sure the pivot point of spawn objects is pointing Y up and Z forward. If working in Blender, to be able to see the axis orientation you can:
- select your object
- in object tab, under Display, check the display axis (you should now see in the viewport what is what)
- if Y is not pointing up (and probably not), make it (typically by a 90 rotation on X axis).
- default is usually:
View attachment 17
-after applying 90 rotation should be:
View attachment 18
- after rotating your object, DO NOT use object>apply, otherwise rotation is lost.
=> next thing to check is scale (see #2)
=> next thing to check is the distance from the ground (1 or 2 m should be enough; closer might create problems).
#2: car/objects/track are not proportional
=> check the scale of objects in your 3D program. Also make sure to uniform all at 1:1 scale before exporting (example for Blender, select object while in object mode, then go to Object > Apply > Scale.
#3: "I cannot see the track from above"
=> probably normals are facing the opposite direction. If using Blender:
- Select object
- Edit mode (Tab)
- Select all faces (Ctrl+Tab -> Faces, A)
- W -> Flip normals