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i dont found UV mapping . . i dont know wat is this ,,, on my other map no problem load out the map with the spawn pit -.-


Staff member
If you delete this AC_PIT_o, export is working ok ?
If yes, try to copy one AC_ object that already exists and just rename it to AC_PIT_0, or whatever you need.


when I map out the so invite yes .... just as soon as I give the cube a name comes this error message, I simply renamed an object in AC_PIT_0, dan is the error when I get out without loading called change goes it ... have blender already reinstalled. the error happened only recently. . . ... . I have no idea what that is. . .

thx for u help :)


Staff member
Just to make sure:
You do know that IF you have more than one AC_PIT object, you have to name them AC_PIT_0, AC_PIT_1, AC_PIT_2, and so on.. right ?


Just to make sure:
You do know that IF you have more than one AC_PIT object, you have to name them AC_PIT_0, AC_PIT_1, AC_PIT_2, and so on.. right ?
yes yes bro ..... but for moment i will try the track in assetto to see is good to drive .i need only 1 pit to spawn right ? or more pits ?. on my other map i have made 1 Ac pit ...and is ok to loard in game :)

i haaate this problem . i cant work on my race track Aaahhh :D .................. thx for ur time :)


hey and hello i am back with good neews :D ^^
i have the Fbx import to 3D max ^^ and have made pit with ac-pit-0 export to blender ....ERROR .....
i think SHITT :D ......
than i give the name 1ROAD Ac pit in 3d max . and export the track ...and he work :D ....... but one problem i have :D see pls on the pic with the PIT BOY :D hehe ^^

and the other pics ar from the 23kilometer map a littel Drift park inside the map ^^
thanks to you :D
Greetz marcus



As a general rule, the first thing to do when something is not working => read the guide AGAIN. More often than not, you skipped/forgot one step or one setting :).

#1: my car has broken wheels when I load my track ingame
=> make sure the pivot point of spawn objects is pointing Y up and Z forward. If working in Blender, to be able to see the axis orientation you can:
- select your object
- in object tab, under Display, check the display axis (you should now see in the viewport what is what)
- if Y is not pointing up (and probably not), make it (typically by a 90 rotation on X axis).
- default is usually:
View attachment 17

-after applying 90 rotation should be:
View attachment 18
- after rotating your object, DO NOT use object>apply, otherwise rotation is lost.

=> next thing to check is scale (see #2)
=> next thing to check is the distance from the ground (1 or 2 m should be enough; closer might create problems).

#2: car/objects/track are not proportional
=> check the scale of objects in your 3D program. Also make sure to uniform all at 1:1 scale before exporting (example for Blender, select object while in object mode, then go to Object > Apply > Scale.

#3: "I cannot see the track from above"
=> probably normals are facing the opposite direction. If using Blender:
- Select object
- Edit mode (Tab)
- Select all faces (Ctrl+Tab -> Faces, A)
- W -> Flip normals

Hello :) .-.-.---
i have a problem . . . .
have made the ac_start_0 and 1 .... and hotlap .
but all cars have no wheels .... wenn i spawn in pit all have wheels
have take the pit and renamed in start . . .
? or must i made ever a new pit ?


Staff member
I haven't tested all the possible combinations to see what is minimum in each game mode; I usually make all necessary spwan points (PIT, START, HOTLAP, ...) and make sure the rotation and scale are correct (see Troubleshooting tip #1 and #2) ;)

If it still doesn't work, post a screenshot like the one I've posted (showing the axis of your objects).​


I haven't tested all the possible combinations to see what is minimum in each game mode; I usually make all necessary spwan points (PIT, START, HOTLAP, ...) and make sure the rotation and scale are correct (see Troubleshooting tip #1 and #2) ;)

If is still doesn't work, post a screenshot like the one I've posted (showing the axis of your objects).​
Hello and good morning :)

see this pic - - - have all pits 90 rotatet .


Staff member
Rotation seems ok.
What about distance from ground ?
You could also try and set the scale to 1 (don't know IF it has any influence..)
-select object
-CTRL+A > Scale


Rotation seems ok.
What about distance from ground ?
You could also try and set the scale to 1 (don't know IF it has any influence..)
-select object
-CTRL+A > Scale
think the distance is ok ..i dont know realy :D
at this point it goes slightly uphill. this is very bad?
all pits spawn corect . . . . thxx


It's distance of the spawn point from ground. It needs to be 1-2 m at least.
i dont know . i have rotate the qube x = 90° and z = 73° and y = 0° . . .
i think this is ok . the 73° is for made the car strait to the road but the cars all spawn to right side -.-

is better i send u the Blend file :D .........


Hello ... i have a problem with 3Dmax ........... if I rotate the cube to the right, the car tires have no more .only at 90 ° rotation is everything okay ... wat i must to do , thats my car corect stay strait of the street . thank you ....


Staff member
Hmm, would be easier to see your file, or at least a screenshot (<== this you should do everytime you have a problem :) ). I am using Blender myself, and I can rotate the spawn points any way I need to, no problem. One note though (again for Blender but hopefully you can "translate" it to 3dsmax): you must only affect pivot rotation but NOT apply it. Notice the angle values and the axis orientations compared to world compass.​



yes ok i will do this. next time with pic ^^
i have one question
how you did the dirt road, with which command in 3D programm ?
i know only 1ROAD 1GRASS 1SAND 1KERB ......
but i need a dirt road like a PineHillRace
thank you for help :)


Staff member
You need to define a file named "surfaces.ini" inside your '\yourtrack\data' folder (look for existing examples in other tracks you have). Define a new surface by any name you want, define its parameters (play with friction, sin_height, sin_length, etc..) and then use that exact name when you name your road mesh in 3d software.
- say your current track has the road mesh named 1ROAD.
- define new surface type inside surfaces.ini - say DIRTROAD, with custom parameters
- name your road mesh as 1DIRTROAD

PS: Dirt track is not my work, but Bobskype's : ).​