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Some free 3D trees [external]


Staff member
Free 3D trees (some of them). They can't be used directly, as the poly count is too high.
Have a look there: http://3dxy.us/3d-model/tree/

LE: not able to check the source of these trees (ripped of scratch) so be advised. Especially if you would be tempted to buy some for whatever need.
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Well-Known Member
I hope iracing`s new tree update leaves AC`s looking so bad that someone at kunos insists on using some actual tree tech. I mean no more car slots. so that managed memory in whatever form from a 64bit version might be able to cater for such an idea.


Well-Known Member
tried one of these free tree`s, quarter of a million polys :lol:. fantastic though !

reality is that having no trees in the terrain in the first place makes for the best tree mods. haha. surely tree tech is on the tech tree :lol: