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TOOL I (momentarily) envy Max users


Staff member
First day of the year, I was just browsing around with no specific target. So I found myself on the rF forums, having a look at what happens over the fence :D. And I found this collection of scripts/tools for max, that really seem to bring a lot of additional functionality. Especially for track making. Have a look for your self.

and UP ONE LEVEL for more goodies. Thank you @Woodee .

The list is big. Way bigger than on this sample photo.

Worth mentioning these are shared on a gDrive link, so who knows how long they will be available. While they last though, do enjoy. And test. And create. And share.
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Active Member
90% of that list is from Scriptspot, make it your homepage ;)


Top of the list should be SplineTrackMaker, check out MMTools, tons of priceless functions buried in there all in one package.



Also check out MCG scripts, some really useful tools in there also.



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Active Member
Just a heads up on splinetrack maker...it isn't very accurate when using "Move Edges to Splines", especially on the Z axis when aligning the track edge to the spline.

The Z problem seems to get worse the lower the distance between spline points, here I used a 2m distance and this was the result, a very distinct and exaggerated "wave form" on the Z axis, default 8m distance it less pronounced but still visibly "off" on the Z.

...anyway, seems to work ok on the X-Y axis, then conform the resulting mesh on the Z using the conform compound object in Max.

Smaller the section of track the more accurate the results will be, no biggie as you will be breaking the track up into sections for export anyway.

Apparently Mario is aware of this but chooses to provide speed over accuracy.


Well-Known Member
i think this is also true for most of his tools. noticing anomolys when I try and do too much at once with most of it. its like a zero point issue which looses accuracy when you try too much, its as if its like a bunch of points and averages them out into something else.


Enjoying the scripts I collected? ;)

First day of the year, I was just browsing around with no specific target. So I found myself on the rF forums, having a look at what happens over the fence :D. And I found this collection of scripts/tools for max, that really seem to bring a lot of additional functionality. Especially for track making. Have a look for your self.


The list is big. Way bigger than on this sample photo.
View attachment 2280

Worth mentioning these are shared on a gDrive link, so who know how long they will be available. While they last though, do enjoy. And test. And create. And share.
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EKO Sim-Racing

Well-Known Member
Many are very useful indeed, then depends on your needs I guess. I have just seen this post, and to be honnest I have maybe 10% already, the remaining 90% I'll need to get and fiddle around with. THANK YOU for the find :)


First day of the year, I was just browsing around with no specific target. So I found myself on the rF forums, having a look at what happens over the fence :D. And I found this collection of scripts/tools for max, that really seem to bring a lot of additional functionality. Especially for track making. Have a look for your self.


The list is big. Way bigger than on this sample photo.
View attachment 2280

Worth mentioning these are shared on a gDrive link, so who know how long they will be available. While they last though, do enjoy. And test. And create. And share.
Please update my link in your post to: this

Google Drive is making me change public links.