SOLVED First Track - spawning in the air

Discussion in 'Tracks' started by Cortmarshal, Jul 14, 2017.

  1. Cortmarshal

    Cortmarshal New Member

    Jul 14, 2017
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    So I've been working a couple of days on learning blender and the Assetto Corsa editor playing around with other tracks through 3dsimed and making changes in the tracks and going all the way through the workflow, and I feel like I've gotten a grasp of it.

    I've watched videos and read the forum guides and went to make my own first track, and I finally got it to load into the game, but it spawns the car tumbling through the air. I've been working on just this for about five hours total now. I tried all the possible rotations I could think of, changing the Z axis export option in Blender, changing the scaling on the spawn objects, using empty objects, moving the height around but I must be glossing right over something.

    I attached my blender file and the fbx, but no texture as I figured anybody helping would have their own texture they could throw on. I ended up reducing the model down to the simplest thing besides just using a plane.

    Thank you

    Attached Files:

  2. Pixelchaser

    Pixelchaser Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2015
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    I shall have a look see just now.
  3. Pixelchaser

    Pixelchaser Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2015
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    its 17 km long here :lol:.
    the mesh opens out in 3dsmax in editable Poly mode. usually it needs to be a mesh. an editable mesh.
    ok I have re scaled the size of it (might have been problem at my end) then i converted road to editable mesh.
    the origins for the spawns "look" ok but they are not. I can see you have been rotating everything but its simple just rotate x 90 degrees.

    x -90
    y 180
    z -90

    they need to be

    x 90
    y 0
    z 0

    and then I can confirm it works. so editable mesh only items. and you went to crazy with the spawn axis. just get everything at default. and add 90 degrees to X only to point that Y going up. then rotate to point forward or wherever you want.
    Last edited: Jul 14, 2017
    Cortmarshal likes this.
  4. Cortmarshal

    Cortmarshal New Member

    Jul 14, 2017
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    In Blender it measured 1.2k around the path I used to make the track. Is there any way to tell scale in the kseditor? Spawn points might just be too high off the ground if it's that big... I followed the same method as the YouTube Blender to Assetto Corsa tutorial of making a path and then using a small plane with an array and curve modifier.

    I'll try remeshing, and if that doesn't work I'll use a different way of making the track, it could be something weird in how Blender treats it when I close the path and the array by hand.
  5. Pixelchaser

    Pixelchaser Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2015
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    its fine I'm sure, just fix the rotation on the spawns and make sure its in mesh not poly mod.
  6. Cortmarshal

    Cortmarshal New Member

    Jul 14, 2017
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    Got it. There was no issue with the mesh itself in Blender, it must be something in the export/import. The video shows changing the export options to Z forward instead of the default -Z forward, and that's where the 180 on the Y was coming from, the recommendation on the forum guide is correct, however.

    The main problem was due to the scale, though I don't understand why. The dimensions shown in Blender were what I wanted, but in the fbx export options, I ended up having to set the scale to .08 to actually get the indicated dimensions. So instead of being 1m above the track it was around 11.5m, and resulted in the car falling through the air. I'll do a clean install of Blender later and see if it wasn't something I messed up in the config.

    Thanks for the second set of eyes!
    Pixelchaser likes this.
  7. LilSKi

    LilSKi Well-Known Member

    Apr 6, 2015
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    Make sure your export looks like this. Pay special attention to the circled button. The selected objects options is a good practice to get into especially if you use layers in blender.

    A trick to make sure your scale is right is to find the dimensions of a car that is in sim and make a box exactly that size. Drive the car in the box and it should fit in the box.
    Willy Wale and luchian like this.
  8. luchian

    luchian Administrator Staff Member

    Jun 3, 2014
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    LilSKi likes this.
  9. Cortmarshal

    Cortmarshal New Member

    Jul 14, 2017
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    Is it possible to update the Basic Guide sticky with the new export settings image for scaling? Old image is from a version without that button
    luchian likes this.
: help, spawn, error
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