TOOL AC Worksheet

Discussion in 'Car Models | Physics' started by luchian, Sep 29, 2016.

  1. luchian

    luchian Administrator Staff Member

    Jun 3, 2014
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    Thanks to the knowledge and kindness of AC members, Felipe Vaiano has putted together this little tool which comes very handy when crunching those numbers for your next virtual super-mega-awesome-car :). Of course, Felipe was kind enough to compile and share, but input from many talented people went into this. In his own words:

    This worksheet was created to be a simple and easy to use excel worksheet, with complete calculations, to help car modders with their routine modding workflow. It started as a simplified universal suspension calculator, joining together the work of experienced AC car modders: @pankykapus, @Andrea Lojelo, @Avoletta and @Stereo and evolved to include Turbo and Tires/Wheels calculations.

    This is a work from the community, to the community. You´re free to use it any way you want, but if you intend to either modify it or add content to it, please send it to him, so that it can be included; you´ll be given credit for your work.

    The intention is to have a single universal and updated modding worksheet.

    Attached Files:

  2. cercata

    cercata Member

    Jul 6, 2017
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    WOW, Amazing !!!!!!
  3. Mr Whippy

    Mr Whippy Active Member

    Jan 18, 2016
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    This looks pretty nice.

    But gah on AC's crappy drivetrain loss implementation.
  4. garyjpaterson

    garyjpaterson Member

    Jun 28, 2017
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    I use this pretty heavily for turbo implementation and suspension bits (dampers mostly). Pretty handy.
    Mr Whippy likes this.
  5. Mr Whippy

    Mr Whippy Active Member

    Jan 18, 2016
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    Yeah I think I'll use this for suspension.

    Trying to fudge AWD electric into it though, haha... hmmm.

    Still, your electric Formula car looked pretty sweet so I'm sure AC will be good enough to make the EP9 drive nice.

    Also it's nice that the XLS works in Libre Office. Once upon a time stuff like this sheet wouldn't work unless you had MS Excel!
    So Kudos to the authors for keeping it compatible (assuming it was on purpose :D )
  6. cercata

    cercata Member

    Jul 6, 2017
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    Is there any documentation about the Tyres.ini file ?
  7. Rob-bb

    Rob-bb New Member

    Jan 27, 2020
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    Hi, I have been using the AC Worksheet. I am getting really large numbers for the ARB calculations. I have used the formulas from another website, and they match (allowing for the sheets formula doing a *2 on it). But still the rates are really high. Looking at the ks_maseratie_quattroporte data (similar weight cars) it has AEB of 60000 front, and 3400 rear. My calcs are 152000 and 60200 using the sheet. Another example is the Nissan 370z from KS has 26500 and 10500.

    So, Should I be halving the number? Even then it is very high.
  8. giovanni pasolini

    giovanni pasolini Member

    Feb 11, 2018
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    Great work (see i more late)
  9. Christoph Leipold

    Christoph Leipold Member

    Oct 17, 2020
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    WHow!! This is the most comprehensive compilation for AC that I ever found! Anazing work!
  10. vworks37

    vworks37 New Member

    Feb 2, 2023
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    Sorry to dredge up this old thread on my first post :ROFLMAO:

    Just trying to run through a suspension setup in the original assetto corsa using the worksheet for the first time when I noticed something when getting down to the 'Front (& rear) suspension travel' at the bottom of the sheet.

    The calculation for 'Wheel travel' in this section relies directly on the value of 'Motion Ratio' that is at the top of the sheet under Front Springs, then the related values 'bumpstop up' and 'packer range' use the 'Wheel Travel' value that was worked out using the motion ratio value up the top.

    The motion ratio is worked out using the 3 boxes above it - Arm length D2 & Leverage Length D1 (+correction angle (ACF))
    Up until now I havn't needed to input the arm length values since assetto gives us the actual 'wheel rate' so I was able to input my wheel rate instead of working out the motion ratio.

    But now at the bottom working out the travel / bump stop / packer range I'm getting wrong values because I dont have arm length values to put into the motion ratio calcs.

    Is there a way to get these 'motion ratio' & 'arm length' values using the geometry of the car in assetto corsa? Ive tried searching for real life measurements but cannot find anything.

    I was hoping to use the sheet being able to input data from suspension.ini to get a reading on a car and be able to fine tune things from there but it looks like every time I want to get into a full setup I'm going to need detailed arm length values from real life data.

    Is there an easier way to get a suspension setup done using this worksheet?
    Am I just missing something?

    Would like to know more about the suspension side of things if anyone can help.

    Much appreciated.
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