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Mercedes-Benz W125 0.79

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Grande auto in un grande passato !
what an amazing car and what amazing years !!
Amazing car, thank you!
That sound!!
What a beautiful car! Thank you so much!
Excellent rival to Gary Paterson's Auto Union Type C and just as challenging to drive. There are a few minor graphical issues however; such as the top of the wheels being shaded despite there being no arches and the exhaust flames are incorrectly aligned with the rear-left suspension components instead of the exhaust.
Very good looking mod that is very fun to race against the Auto union type c on the avaliable Pre War tracks.
amazing better and better keep going to v1.0
keep in mind that it's the history of sports car
to admire in the largest VIRTUAL automobile museum : ASSETTO CORSA
thanks for this beauty
Very nica
Please disregard my earlier review. I had an equipment problem. Simply put, I love this car. Once you accept that big lurid slides aren't the way to drive it, it's incredibly fun/challenging to balance throttle and steering input in a way that consistently walks the tightrope of the cars *very* limited grip. This car will teach you throttle control in a way that makes a 917/10 or Can-Am car feel like a modern GT3 by comparison. Once you master it, the car feels more consistent than the AU Type C, and that "feels" right to me. Simply Glorious.
Keep up the good work on this one man! Lovin it
I really enjoyed the challenge of the 0.5 version, but this one seems to be a step backwards. The tires are now much less progressive and there's a near-instant drop-off of grip at the limit. As a result, the W125 is now *much* harder to control than the Auto Union Type C, and that simply cannot be correct. The problem is that once the tires start to slip, they do so very suddenly, making the car unenjoyable to slide around. I would recommend going back to the tires on the 0.5 version. One advantage of these old tires should be that the grip drop-off is fairly gentle (tall compliant sidewalls, narrow width tires should have relatively gentle breakaway characteristics, but with very low maximum grip). Thanks for all your hard work. Hopefully the next update takes a look at this tire issue. Meanwhile, 0.5 still makes an excellent competitor for the Type C!
No. I disagree. That tire logic is made on purpose and thats the whole thing. While I agree that tire could possibly be too sharp by some amount, I think older tire was far off to the other side, also some other things were bad with previous tire. I know that typical AC tire logic is that tires are always very progressive, but I think it is untrue in many cases, and there is usually shorter threshold between top grip and full sliding. What is done with this recent tire, is that it is more in comfort up to higher stress, and then it falls off faster, so your observation is right. But I disagree that it is wrong as you think. I will write more in reply to your message in the forum thread.
tricky to drive, but the physics are amazing, great job and would say best mod for assetto, and its not even 1.0 ;)
Some files are corrupt :(
Why do you think so ?
Fantastic model of a brilliant car. This is a difficult machine to drive right and you have done a brilliant job so far. Keep up the great work.
it has the Xj13s description
Yes it is a shame... I never look at descriptions, so I just missed that.. should have been blank for 0.5 release. If we will be lucky there might be an update with it erased :) It would reshape the whole mod :D

Perhaps you would like to write it ?
Crazy machine. Really well made mod, thank you!