Hi I'm working on Toyota Supra project and after replacing wheels I had to adjust inis a bit to match wheels skeletons with visual. I made offsets/base Y (suspension.ini) and all proper values in tyres.ini but in CM Showroom when I check "Align using data" wheels just become smaller than they should be. It also happens on the track so I thing there's something to do with .ini files but I'm losing my mind ffs. Nothing works. I tried to rescale whole model but still no success. Please tell me what's wrong, it makes me crazy : (
This is an issue with the dummys/helpers. The only way i've managed to fix it is by redoing the Dummys complatly from scratch in 3dsmax or similar program. Cheers.
Yea I managed to fix this a few days after posting this. The issue was with the dummies like you said. Just had to rescale all of them (susp, brakes and wheels) to the same size and now it works.
I had the same problem with the BMW-M1-PROCAR. It was OK after I "applied scale" to the wheel dummies. It is this old "Apply Scale! Moron!" problem. I never get out of that one