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hay bale 2.0

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Here is my second attempt for the hay bale.

I have give it so much detail, I find necessary when placing that bale near the track. As you can see we still count 66 verts and 56 polys.
The bale contains two objects - one for the brick and one for the edges ( this 3DGrass method - hairy stuff)
For bales more far away from the track the polys can easily be reduced.

I had to align all Normals to one direction because otherwise it doesn't look smooth enough with all the planes in different directions.
If anyone know how to do this better, let me know.

diffuse texture is updated and the normal map texture is updated as well.

I use eAlphaTest BlendMode because I always get strange overlapping issues when using eAlphaBlend (and Is Transparent on or off)


