Discussion in 'Tracks' started by Rooo, Jun 6, 2024.

  1. Rooo

    Rooo New Member

    Jun 6, 2024
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    Hi everybody, i recently enter this new world of simulation and track modding. In particular, I imported LiDar data from the Leica BLK360 G1, I trasformed the point cloud into a mesh and I modified it in Blender. I followed all the steps described in the tutorial Build your first track. When loading the kn5 file in Assetto Corsa, it happens to show this error message CANNOT HAVE 0 CARS IN RACE.INI [​IMG]. I tried to fix the possible problems with the spawn points. And then the track loaded but the car, in the beginning can't reach the groud, but it's stuck rolling in the sky in an infinite loop. My doubt is that the spawn points' height is wrong and they maybe have to be set higher from the ground. Opening the report file, it says:
    2024-06-06T14:23:46:220 [08532] | INFO | Pit altitude for current track: 0
    2024-06-06T14:23:46:220 [08532] | ERROR | Required to sync altitude AC_PIT_0 is missing!
    How can I fix this altitude error?
    Immagine WhatsApp 2024-06-06 ore 16.49.13_029d8abb.jpg
  2. luchian

    luchian Administrator Staff Member

    Jun 3, 2014
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  3. Rooo

    Rooo New Member

    Jun 6, 2024
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    I have already read the post that you shared, but it actually doesn't say the solution for this error message. My question is, at what distance from the track do I have to set the spawn objects in blender? Because I put the cubes 5-6 meters high and it didn't work. Then I tried lower, at 2-3 meters, and it worked but when I opened the track, the car is still stuck rolling in the air in the pit position and can't reach the ground. My track is a A-to-B type, not a closed one, and I followed the naming explained in Build your first track tutorial. Maybe there is a problem the naming (look at the photo linked)? Also I thought that maybe there's a problem related to the bus shelter too close to the spawn point (on the right in the photo)?

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  4. luchian

    luchian Administrator Staff Member

    Jun 3, 2014
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    1-2 m above the surface is enough usually. 2-3m also should not be a problem.

    How are the axis of the spawn points oriented? (you can enable display axis to be sure)
  5. Rooo

    Rooo New Member

    Jun 6, 2024
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    Do all the spawns have to be rotated of the same angle? For example, the AC_PIT_0 cube is oriented parallel to the road in that point, but the start cubes are instead parallel to the road in that other point, which is not the same angle (pit cube is 90• and start cubes are 85•) By the way, all the spawn points' axis are oriented, using local axis system, with the z axis forward with the road and the Y axis up (as you can see in the last shared image). Maybe the problem is that the track is too small and maybe when you model a A to B type of track, you have to use a different naming for the spawn points
  6. Rooo

    Rooo New Member

    Jun 6, 2024
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    i'm gonna share the blender outliner, so you can understand the problem. The first image shows the global axis system, the second one shows the axis system edited as you explained in the guide for "Build of your track"

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    Last edited: Jun 10, 2024
  7. Rooo

    Rooo New Member

    Jun 6, 2024
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    I solved it. It was actually the first problem that seamed to be the real issue of all the situation. The car was falling from too far away from the ground. The reason is that the track is wrong scaled from blender. Infact, in blender i have the right measures and so i export in 1:1 scale. But when I open it in the game, the car is too small compared to the track, so it is falling from too far. Now, i guess, i have to get the scale right and i'm done.
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