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    Team ACM.

SOLVED Can’t start Custom Showroom: External component has thrown an exception.


New Member

Content Manager just spits this at me and doesnt give me any context. Looking into the game files, i found this log:

17:06:54.491: → [CustomShowroomWrapper:84] StartAsyncInner(): Custom Showroom: Magick.NET IsSupported=True
17:06:56.445: • [CustomShowroomWrapper:146] StartAsyncInner(): Can’t start Custom Showroom:
System.Runtime.InteropServices.SEHException (0x80004005): External component has thrown an exception.
at D3DXMatrixInverse(D3DXMATRIX* , Single* , D3DXMATRIX* )
at AcTools.Render.Kn5Specific.Objects.Kn5RenderableFile.UpdateModelMatrixInverted()
at AcTools.Render.Kn5Specific.Objects.Kn5RenderableCar.GetWheelAmbientShadowMatrix(Kn5RenderableList wheel)
at AcTools.Render.Kn5Specific.Objects.Kn5RenderableCar.LoadAmbientShadows()
at AcTools.Render.Kn5Specific.Objects.Kn5RenderableCar..ctor(CarDescription car, Matrix matrix, IAcCarSoundFactory soundFactory, String selectSkin, Boolean scanForSkins, Single shadowsHeight, Boolean asyncTexturesLoading, Boolean asyncOverrideTexturesLoading, IKn5ToRenderableConverter converter)
at AcTools.Render.Kn5SpecificForward.ForwardKn5ObjectRenderer.CarSlot.Initialize()
at AcTools.Render.Kn5SpecificForward.ForwardKn5ObjectRenderer.InitializeInner()
at AcTools.Render.Kn5SpecificForwardDark.DarkKn5ObjectRenderer.InitializeInner()
at AcTools.Render.Base.BaseRenderer.Initialize(IntPtr outputHandle)
at AcTools.Render.Wrapper.FormWrapperBase..ctor(BaseRenderer renderer, String title, Int32 width, Int32 height)
at AcTools.Render.Wrapper.FormWrapperMouseBase..ctor(BaseRenderer renderer, String title, Int32 width, Int32 height)
at AcTools.Render.Wrapper.LiteShowroomFormWrapper..ctor(ForwardKn5ObjectRenderer renderer, String title, Int32 width, Int32 height)
at AcManager.CustomShowroom.LiteShowroomFormWrapperWithTools..ctor(ToolsKn5ObjectRenderer renderer, CarObject car, String skinId, String presetFilename, IEnumerable`1 lodDefinitions)
at AcManager.CustomShowroom.CustomShowroomWrapper.<StartAsyncInner>d__6.MoveNext()

Any help would be appretiated


New Member
Hi all,
Same error for me, by "external componment" I thought it was some conflict with my brand new Windows 11, so I checked up W11 by launching "Dism" and "sfc /scannow" the check-repair Windows tasks, which resulted that my computer is clear and in good shape... And still no Custom Showroom access.

I get the same log with D3DX, which is now, according to Microsoft, a deprecated utility library; they recomand to use DirectXMath instead... I read their article but this is far my little knowledge.


New Member
Thank you for the feedback,
Yes, Magick.NET is installed. I have all the plugins installed, excepting ImageMagick Montage and CefSharp.

One thing I remember is that when I installed C.M (with app key) and the various needed libraries, Windows 11 notified me that NET 4.5.2 is replaced by another one more recent.
Don't know if this last point is useful, who knows...


aka leBluem
Happens with all cars? It might just be the car you try is encrypted or has some other error?

2 more things to try:
What if you reset showroom?

and here the buttons at the bottom


New Member
Yes, it happens with all the cars.
I did the reset the 2 ways you showed, but no change.

I was on W7 before, it worked flawlessly, but with W11, C.M is working ok, excepting Custom showroom.
when I launch AC vanilla, I can open the showroom. (the old one of course)


New Member
Thanks for finding this ressource,
-I checked the presence of MSVCR100.dll into AC root folder, into Windows system32 & SysWOW64: yes, all are in good place.
-Started first AC in vanilla as administrator.
-Started also CM (run as administrator too)
-Set in Steam Library the launch option in 64bit.
-restarted my computer.
In my case, nothing changes, and same notification:
Can’t start Custom Showroom:
External component has thrown an exception.

I admit it's a bit desperate.

By focusing on the message's line External component has thrown an exception. And the line in the log:
Can’t start Custom Showroom: System.Runtime.InteropServices.SEHException (0x80004005).
I find this kind of topic: https://www.reddit.com/r/csharp/comments/nldro3/systemruntimeinteropservicessehexception/
My thought is, something is going with 64bit reading/not reading C++ runtime library...
And my brain says: go to bed!


New Member
CM as admin was already done,
and exception for AC & CM done now.
no result, same situation...
I looked at threads on AC Stuff, there are messages descripring the same issue, but no answer from CM devs.
Maybe they don't have time to come and read.
I feel short of idea at the moment,
If I find a good track, I'll come back to put the info here.
Thanx again for your input!


New Member
Hello guys, I had the same error (with exact same log) and finally found a solution that worked for me.

In my case 64bits version of the game (acs .exe) was working fine including csp features, but custom showroom and update previews were the issue.
Justo to be clear I reinstalled windows, installed windows updates, directX, VCredist, etc... launched the game the first time via steam and used the original showroom via the vanilla launcher. After that installed content manager, run as administrator, installed CSP , Sol and everything, but the error was still there and I was going mad :/
It seems that the problem is about directX, missing .dll files and the game/showroom not using de adecuate .dll files (tries to use the 32bit files when should use the 64bit ones).

This is what I did:

1. Downloaded a bunch of .dll files that appeared to be missing from my computer.
I used these that I found in a Youtube video named "Como Solucionar ERROR 0xc00007b" from the channel GeekTech just in case you arent able to open the link from this forum.

2. Copy and replace the files into Windows/"your user"/System 32 and also SysWOW64 (it didnt work by only doing so in the System32 folder).

(2.1 You can see that in the mentioned download also exists a folder named AIO210. I didnt use it because previously I installed and updated visual studio, vcredist and all of that, but you can try using it if you keep having the problem after doing everything else.)

3. Open again Content Manager and try to launch custom showroom and update any car preview - In my case it worked!

The problem was that when trying to launch the game it stopped working and the 0xc00007b error appeared.

To solve this:

4. Use this program https://www.dependencywalker.com/ (64 bits version because the game is 64 bits, if you use the 32 bits it wont work).
It will find incorrect files under the system 32 folder that should be 64bits (yes, system32 contains 64 bit archives and sysWOW64 contains 32 bits archives) that you should replace with the correct ones.
Watch this video in order to know how to use it:
Follow these steps in case in the future the video isnt available:
.On the upper left side click the folder icon and select the acs.exe from the assetto corsa root folder.
.Let the program work and it will appear a list of archives.
.Go down until you stop seeing the ones with the yellow question icon on the left and text on colour red on the right side.
.Now watch for the column "CPU" and check the files that appear on red "x86". This ones are the ones with compatibility issues. In my case the wrong ones were D3DCompiler_43, D3DX11_43 and xinput_3 but you may get some other ones.
.These are the ones you have to replace. In order to locate them, click the upper icon /c: and it will show the location of the files next to its name.
.Download the correct x64 archives from dll-files.com and replace them in their location.

By doing this the problem was solved for me.

BUT some other games stopped working (THPS 1&2 and Howgarts Legacy via Steam in my case), they just woudnt launch but didnt give any reason/error. I just did the same process using dependency walker and found issues with other files (in this case X3DAudio1_7 and XAPOFX1_5), the problem was solved by replacing them the same as before with the Assetto Corsa ones. So try your other games and do the same if you find that some of them dont work

Sorry for my english I tried to explain myself the best I could.
Thanks everyone that tried to help offering solutions and I hope my solution works for some of you :)


New Member
Hello @gabisande,

Thank to your helpful post, the issue is sorted out for me too,
I followed the plan until (3) and all is fine: C.M's showroom is working properly now!

I thought I put into system 32 and SysWOW64 the mandatory bunch of dll files before, and only the complementary files you pointed out made the difference.

Thank you very much !


New Member
Actually, I omitted to check if the game was launching correctly, and of course, I got the 0xc00007b error message!
So I followed the whole process with Dependency Walker, finding 4 dll files to replace with 64 bit versions.
C.M showroom and A.C are working fine now.:)
Again, thank you for your help!


New Member
Hello guys, I had the same error (with exact same log) and finally found a solution that worked for me.

In my case 64bits version of the game (acs .exe) was working fine including csp features, but custom showroom and update previews were the issue.
Justo to be clear I reinstalled windows, installed windows updates, directX, VCredist, etc... launched the game the first time via steam and used the original showroom via the vanilla launcher. After that installed content manager, run as administrator, installed CSP , Sol and everything, but the error was still there and I was going mad :/
It seems that the problem is about directX, missing .dll files and the game/showroom not using de adecuate .dll files (tries to use the 32bit files when should use the 64bit ones).

This is what I did:

1. Downloaded a bunch of .dll files that appeared to be missing from my computer.
I used these that I found in a Youtube video named "Como Solucionar ERROR 0xc00007b" from the channel GeekTech just in case you arent able to open the link from this forum.

2. Copy and replace the files into Windows/"your user"/System 32 and also SysWOW64 (it didnt work by only doing so in the System32 folder).

(2.1 You can see that in the mentioned download also exists a folder named AIO210. I didnt use it because previously I installed and updated visual studio, vcredist and all of that, but you can try using it if you keep having the problem after doing everything else.)

3. Open again Content Manager and try to launch custom showroom and update any car preview - In my case it worked!

The problem was that when trying to launch the game it stopped working and the 0xc00007b error appeared.

To solve this:

4. Use this program https://www.dependencywalker.com/ (64 bits version because the game is 64 bits, if you use the 32 bits it wont work).
It will find incorrect files under the system 32 folder that should be 64bits (yes, system32 contains 64 bit archives and sysWOW64 contains 32 bits archives) that you should replace with the correct ones.
Watch this video in order to know how to use it:
Follow these steps in case in the future the video isnt available:
.On the upper left side click the folder icon and select the acs.exe from the assetto corsa root folder.
.Let the program work and it will appear a list of archives.
.Go down until you stop seeing the ones with the yellow question icon on the left and text on colour red on the right side.
.Now watch for the column "CPU" and check the files that appear on red "x86". This ones are the ones with compatibility issues. In my case the wrong ones were D3DCompiler_43, D3DX11_43 and xinput_3 but you may get some other ones.
.These are the ones you have to replace. In order to locate them, click the upper icon /c: and it will show the location of the files next to its name.
.Download the correct x64 archives from dll-files.com and replace them in their location.

By doing this the problem was solved for me.

BUT some other games stopped working (THPS 1&2 and Howgarts Legacy via Steam in my case), they just woudnt launch but didnt give any reason/error. I just did the same process using dependency walker and found issues with other files (in this case X3DAudio1_7 and XAPOFX1_5), the problem was solved by replacing them the same as before with the Assetto Corsa ones. So try your other games and do the same if you find that some of them dont work

Sorry for my english I tried to explain myself the best I could.
Thanks everyone that tried to help offering solutions and I hope my solution works for some of you :)
just so you know I made a account there just to thank you!, your a legend!!!, I downloaded the .dll files and pasted them in the folders and the acshowroom works! i was losing my mind for few days straight to fix this problem and now its finally done!