QUESTION VAO Custom Tracks Bakery documentation or examples?

Discussion in 'Tracks' started by MGMetroDave, Sep 26, 2019.

  1. MGMetroDave

    MGMetroDave Active Member

    Apr 7, 2019
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    Hi all,

    I've been trying to get my head round the command line options of the customtracksbakery.exe, and while I understand some of the options and usage, I've also got myself a bit stuck, mainly with trying to exclude/skip 'nodes'.

    After failing to locate anything on the internet myself, I'm wondering if anyone has either some more in depth documentation (the command line --help option is a little sparse on detail and gives no examples) or some examples of its usage, or examples of "Baked Shadows Params.txt" or "Arguments.txt"? Also what is a 'node'? A material? texture? mesh? object?

    Here's the info given when you use "--help" option:


    Custom Tracks Bakery
    Copyright (C) 2018 AcClub

    This is free software. You may redistribute copies of it under the terms of
    the MS-PL License <>.

    Usage: CustomTracksBakery <model.kn5/model.ini>

    You can also put arguments in a file "Baked Shadows Params.txt" next to KN5, or
    to "Arguments.txt" next to CustomTracksBakery.exe.

    -h, --help (Default: False) Show help message.
    -f, --filter (Default: *) Nodes to bake AO for.
    -s, --skip (Default: ) Nodes to skip.
    -g, --grass (Default: shader:ksGrass) Nodes to process
    as grass (sync AO and, optionally, normals,
    with surface below).
    -n, --sync-normals (Default: ) Nodes to sync normals with
    surface below of.
    -u, --surfaces (Default: `^[0-9][A-Z]`) Surface meshes.
    -t, --trees (Default: shader:ksTree) Nodes to process
    as trees (no self-shadowing, normals are
    facing up).
    -r, --regular-objects (Default: ) If for some reason you're using
    ksTree or ksGrass shader for something
    other than grass or trees, and don't want
    to bother excluding them from --trees and
    --grass, add them here.
    --skip-occluders (Default: ) Nodes to skip from occlusion
    --common-kn5s (Default: ) KN5 files to load for occluders
    --occluders-kn5s (Default: ) KN5 files to load for
    --include-kn5s (Default: ) KN5 files to patch (only for
    .vao-patch mode, for multi-KN5 mode).
    -d, --destination (Default: ) Optional destination.
    -o, --opacity (Default: 0.85) AO opacity.
    --surfaces-opacity (Default: 0.6) Surfaces AO opacity.
    -m, --multiplier (Default: 1.1) AO brightness multiplier.
    --saturation-gain (Default: 1) Saturation brightness gain.
    --saturation-input-mult (Default: 2) Saturation input multiplier.
    --extra-pass-brightness-mult (Default: 1.1) Brightness multiplier for
    second pass.
    --camera-fov (Default: 120) Camera FOV.
    --camera-near (Default: 0.15) Camera near clipping
    --camera-far (Default: 50) Camera far clipping distance.
    --camera-normal-offset-up (Default: 0.2) Camera direction offset, up.
    --camera-offset-away (Default: 0.16) Camera position offset,
    from the surface.
    --camera-offset-up (Default: 0.08) Camera position offset, up.
    --occluders-distance-threshold (Default: 30) Occluders distance threshold.
    --merge-vertices (Default: 50) Range (in the list) to merge
    vertices within.
    --merge-threshold (Default: 0.1) Range to merge vertices
    --queue-size (Default: 1000) Size of rendering queue.
    --sample-resolution (Default: 16) Sample resolution.
    --hdr (Default: False) Make HDR samples.
    --extra-pass (Default: False) Make two passes to
    properly process bounced colors.
    --bake-into-kn5 (Default: False) Bake shadows into KN5
    instead of creating a small patch.
    --special-grass-ambient (Default: True) Copy grass ambient from the
    surface underneath.


    My current usage:

    customtracksbakery.exe <path-to-kn5s>\models.ini --extra-pass --skip *roadsidetransition* --merge-threshold 0

    "roadsidetransition" is being skipped as requested (it's not receiving ao shadows), but I'm not sure whether it's applying this to a material or an object, because both happen to have the same name.

    Many thanks in advance!
  2. Gunnar333

    Gunnar333 Well-Known Member

    Aug 5, 2017
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    I believe it's for mesh names.
    I have:
    and all meshes with name "AC" at the beginning are skipped.

    You will also see what objects will be skipped in the protocol when you execute customtracksbakery.exe if I remember correctly
    MGMetroDave likes this.
  3. MGMetroDave

    MGMetroDave Active Member

    Apr 7, 2019
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    Many thanks for the reply, @Gunnar333, that's helpful.
    I was just on Goodwood Hillclimb a few minutes ago! ;-)
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