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Coronet Peak Hill Climb NZ

Coronet Peak Hill Climb NZ 1.0

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Coronet Peak is a ski field mountain 15 minutes out of Queenstown in New Zealand. Once a year the Queenstown Car Club run a 2.7km hillclimb in late November from the Skippers Canyon access road up to the ski field lower car parks.

This is my first ever track using RTB so go easy on me.
Haven't added textures to the mountain as i couldn't find much alpine related but it doesn't look too bad.

Added AI for a laugh so you can race against other cars however they tend to crash alot and not something you'd normally do on a hillclimb obviously.

Yes its fairly bumpy in places but the road isn't perfectly smooth in real life either. Few gremlins in the conversion and a few mistakes i wouldn't make again if i started again however it is what it is.

Create a new folder in your tracks folder called Coronet Peak
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\assettocorsa\content\tracks\Coronet Peak

Open the coronetpeak.zip file and drop the unzipped files into your new folder and its ready to go. Screenshot_mitsubishi_lancer_evo6gsr_Coronet Peak_14-6-119-17-17-12.jpg Screenshot_mitsubishi_lancer_evo6gsr_Coronet Peak_14-6-119-17-17-44.jpg Screenshot_mitsubishi_lancer_evo6gsr_Coronet Peak_14-6-119-17-20-51.jpg Screenshot_mitsubishi_lancer_evo6gsr_Coronet Peak_14-6-119-17-21-45.jpg Screenshot_mitsubishi_lancer_evo6gsr_Coronet Peak_14-6-119-17-22-34.jpg Screenshot_mitsubishi_lancer_evo6gsr_Coronet Peak_14-6-119-17-23-11.jpg
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4.00 star(s) 2 ratings

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Previews look cool. Yet, it won't load for me. Error message says "track main layout is damaged".
A well made hillclimb